Animal rescuer missing following gruesome cat discovery

The Kloof and Highway SPCA has opened a case of animal cruelty against a cat rescue organisation that abandoned cats to die.

A CASE of animal cruelty has been opened against a cat rescue organisation after decomposing cat carcasses were found at their property in Glen Park last week. This comes after the Kloof & Highway SPCA were alerted to the scene described as ‘horrific’ and the owner was nowhere to be found.

According to the SPCA’s manager, Barbara Patrick, this was one of the most traumatic and devastating cases they have ever attended.

Also read: Dead abandoned cats found on Pinetown property

The Pinetown SAPS confirmed the case, saying that the inspectors at the Kloof & Highway SPCA had received a complaint of abandoned cats on June 21.

“Upon their arrival, they were met by one of the tenants who allowed them access onto the premises, and they found that the doors were locked and one window in the front of the house was forcefully opened by the tenant to try and let the cats out of the house.

“Upon looking through the window, they did not see any living cats. The smell inside the house was terrible, and they saw decomposed cats lying inside the house. There were empty bowls with dry litter trays, and there was cat faeces everywhere. There were cat cages inside the house with decaying cats,” said Pinetown SAPS communications officer Jennifer Naidu.

Upon being granted access to the property by the Magistrate’s Court, the Kloof & Highway SPCA returned on June 24 where they found multiple deceased and decaying cats, with some in refuse bags and placed at the door.

“The owner of the cats is a registered NPO for cat rescuing, and they were last seen on June 13,” reported Naidu.

The Kloof & Highway SPCA sent a stern warning, saying that they have zero tolerance for animal cruelty.

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“We appeal to members of the public to ensure that they know who they are donating their hard-earned money to and who they ‘give’ animals or pets to,” she said.

Patrick emphasised that the public is free to contact the SPCA to report animal cruelty cases or complaints. “You can email or phone our Kloof & Highway SPCA and remain anonymous if needed. We will always investigate animal cruelty.”

The Kloof & Highway SPCA can be reached on the following details: 031 764 1212 or

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