Schools prepare thousands of sarmies for the less privileged

The Star College community in collaboration with Time to care distributed nearly 5000 sandwiches to give back to the less fortunate.

IN a remarkable display of community spirit and generosity, Star College, in collaboration with an organisation called Time to Care, successfully organised a sandwich drive that resulted in the creation of nearly 5 000 sandwiches.

This event, held on Fridays, was aimed at supporting the less fortunate and providing much-needed meals to those in need.

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The sandwich drive was an all-hands-on-deck initiative, involving learners, educators and parents from Star College and Time to Care. The participants gathered early in the morning, brimming with enthusiasm and a shared sense of purpose.

Equipped with loaves of bread and various spreads and fillings, the volunteers worked tirelessly throughout the day to reach their ambitious goal.

Star College marketing manager Sara Hayden said this drive was not just about making sandwiches but also about fostering a sense of community and teaching the values of compassion and empathy.

“For our learners, this drive was an opportunity to step outside their daily routines and contribute to a cause greater than themselves. The learners, guided by their teachers during the guidance period, learned valuable lessons about teamwork, generosity and the impact of giving back to society.”

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Hayden highlighted that the collaboration with Time to Care was instrumental in the drive’s success.

“Time to Care, known for its dedication to aiding the underprivileged, brought their extensive experience and logistical support to the table, ensuring that the sandwiches reached those who needed them most.

“They helped identify the areas and communities that would benefit most from the donations, and they arranged for the efficient distribution of the sandwiches.”

She also acknowledges the parents who played a crucial role in the event, as well, in providing ingredients and supplies.

“Their involvement underscored the importance of family and community support in such initiatives. The sandwiches made by Star College Primary, Girls’ High and Boys’ High schools combined, were distributed to various schools across the city, which were Jubilee Senior Primary and Sithengile High School, orphanages and other organisations (Foodforwardsa),” she said.

The success of this sandwich drive has inspired Star College and Time to Care to plan more collaborative events in the future.

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“The overwhelming support and participation from all involved have set a strong foundation for ongoing community service projects,” said a proud Hayden.

Educators also expressed their pride in the learners and the entire school community.

“This sandwich drive was more than just an act of charity; it was a powerful lesson in kindness and solidarity. Our students have shown that they can make a significant impact when they come together for a common cause,” said Time to Care co-ordinator from Star College, Meral Osmanoglu.

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