Appeal for safety measures on Limpus Road

A resident of Limpus Road has appealed for traffic-calming measures after a woman was killed in a hit-and-run accident.

RESIDENTS along Limpus Road have once again made an appeal for traffic-calming measures to be erected along the road. This comes after a woman was killed in a hit-and-run accident on Saturday, August 26.

A resident, Vinnie Naidoo, said this is not the first he has turned to media for help.

“We have asked for something to be done for more 10 years now to decrease the accidents on this road. We have been told that this is a highway, but it is also a residential area, and we feel traffic measures should be erected.

Also read: Appeal for better safety measures on Inanda Road

“How many more people need to lose their lives before this matter is taken seriously?”

According to Naidoo, there have been a few fatalities.

“We are not safe as residents. A few years back, a bus driver lost control, and the bus rolled and crashed into one of the houses, and a person lost their life.

“This is a busy road, especially in the afternoons, as it goes to areas such as Shallcross and Chatsworth. Something needs to be done to stop people from speeding. There is also a bend which is not very visible to motorists, and we have decided to paint it so that it is visible,” he said.

eThekwini Municipality’s spokesperson Gugu Sisilana said Limpus Road is approximately 220m long and continues into Hans Dettman Highway.

“This road belongs to the City. Hans Dettman Highway belongs to the KwaZulu-Natal Department of Transport. Limpus Road / Hans Dettman Highway is a major mobility road and carries a high volume of traffic.”

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According to Sisilana, the accident record on Limpus Road between Sarnia Road and Wood Road (the residential section) revealed that only one accident was recorded over the last three years (January 2020 to December 2022).

“The one accident reported was not a fatality. This does not correspond with the alleged ‘many accidents and fatalities’.”

She said the City requires more information on the recent fatality.

“The City’s Traffic Calming Policy precludes the implementation of traffic calming on major mobility routes. Although the very low accident record over this section of the road does not suggest a need to consider any intervention, we will visit the site and determine if any action is required,” said Sisilana.

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