Desmond Roberts’ death remains a mystery

"I can't be at peace and let it go until there are answers, he isn't at rest, so how can I be?"

DESMOND Roberts died a brutal death.

According to his family, the post mortem report included that he suffered multiple deep stab wounds to his chest and his throat was slit to more than halfway through his neck.

Still, his mother and other family members are no closer to knowing what took place when he died in his rented home in Boundary Road, Escombe in the early hours of New Year’s day 2018.

Speaking to the Queensburgh News recently, Desmond’s mother, Anlie MacDonald, said she is struggling with the fact that it seems there is no way of finding out what led up to the death of her 22-year-old son.

ALSO READ: Police investigate Malvern father’s brutal murder 

Desmond’s ashes remain in the box handed to his mother following his cremation.

MacDonald said she will not disperse them until she knows who killed her son and why.

“I can’t be at peace and let it go until there are answers, he isn’t at rest, so how can I be?”

The family is adamant that the claims, made at the time by a woman who was with Desmond on the night he died, that he had stabbed himself, are untrue.

“Firstly, the evidence from the post mortem doesn’t fit that assertion, and secondly, Desmond would never have done something like that, especially on that date,” said his sister, Bianca Roberts who was particularly close to Desmond.

Roberts explained that their father had been murdered a few years before at the same time of the year. That investigation never resulted in anyone being found guilty of the killing.

“Just because he knew that we are so heartsore about dad’s death at that time, even if he had been suicidal, which he definitely wasn’t, he’d never have done something like that at that time of the year,” said Bianca.

MacDonald also said the reports saying that the girl who claimed Desmond had harmed himself was his girlfriend were incorrect.

ALSO READ: No closure yet for Roberts‘ family

“She wasn’t his girlfriend. There was no relationship between them prior to four days before he died when she came into his life asking for help,” she said.

She said the knowledge that whoever killed her son is still at large keeps her awake at night and prevents her from being able to move on with her life.

“We have been given no information and feedback from the investigation, all that we know we have had to beg for and go and nag until we were given a look at the investigation after threatening to go to the media,” she said adding that Carte Blanche was busy researching the story with the intention of eventually airing a programme on it.



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