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St Mary’s leadership torch passed to Wendy

Wendy Ross has recently taken up the mantle as the head for St Mar's DSG's junior primary.

AFTER 15 years of growing and learning, Wendy Ross took the reins as the St Mary’s DSG, Kloof Junior Primary (JP) head from the start of 2019.

Wendy joined the St Mary’s family in 2004 as a Grade 3 teacher.

She then moved to Grade R to gain experience as this was, until then, the only JP grade that she hadn’t taught. While teaching Grade R, Wendy was made senior teacher and in 2012 she was promoted to JP head of department (HOD).

In this post, Wendy was a specialist teacher and taught Afrikaans and religious education (RE). From the beginning of 2017, RE was taught by class teachers and she started teaching the Thinking Skills Programme.

Before St Mary’s, Wendy studied a Bachelor of Primary Education at Edgewood College and then taught at Kloof Junior Primary.

Thinking Skills has been Wendy’s favourite subject to teach as it is new and she initiated it.

“Thinking Skills is about preparing St Mary’s girls for a different world, a world where we will need innovators, thinkers and problem-solvers. We do more than just teach skills as we prepare girls for the future.

“I love the way that the lessons change and adjust according to the class and the engagement. We cover a range of topics from Emotional Intelligence (EQ), self-esteem, self-control and bullying. It is such fun to teach!”

During Wendy’s time at St Mary’s she has been fortunate to attend a variety of courses and workshops as she aims to continually grow and learn.

ALSO READ: Matric results: St Mary’s DSG

She has been married to Rob for 24 years and they have lived in the Upper Highway Area for just as long. Rob, Wendy, and her daughters, Tayla and Jordyn, are an incredibly close family who love spending time together.

Wendy added that she “couldn’t ask for a more wonderful and supportive husband and treasure the special relationship I have with my two girls!”

In her spare time, Wendy enjoys reading, photography, travelling and trying new recipes in the kitchen together with Rob. She always reads two books at a time, one for pure pleasure and one for inspiration.

The two smallest members of the family, who are “in charge of the house”, are Yorkshire Terriers, Chelsea and Teddy.

‘A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step’ is a saying that resonates with Wendy. This reminds her to dare greatly.

Wendy believes, wholeheartedly, that St Mary’s encourages one to take that first step, whether it results in a failure or a success, as everything is an opportunity to learn and grow.



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