Illegal dumpers defile Westville recycling depot

The recycling depot at the Westville Civic Centre only accepts paper, glass, cardboard and tin cans.

MUCH to the dismay of many in the community, Westville Civic Centre’s beautifully kempt recycling depot turned into an easy access dump over the holiday season.

Jean Senogles, a Westville Conservancy member, said, “I was very disappointed that people would do that in our area as the residents in the area are very critical of others who dump.”

“More than anything, I am desperately disappointed. There is a feeling of ‘where are we going?’ Are we so unaware of other people and the environment at this stage of our existence? It is just so sad,” said the environmental activist.

The recycling depot is run by the non-profit organisation, the Westville Environmental Trust. The group’s chairman, who is also a Westville Rotarian, Theo van der Merwe, said the dumping takes place at the site on a daily basis.

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“Over the holidays people dropped off swimming pool equipment, refuse, lounge suites and smashed toilets. It is absolutely appalling,” he said.

With the funds generated through the project, the Trust can afford to hire Thokozani Mthembu to run the depot from Monday to Friday from 10am to 4pm.

“All monies raised by it (the recycling depot) cover its expenses. If there is a surplus, this is then donated back to the Westville community,” said van der Merwe.

The recycling depot at the Westville Civic Centre only accepts paper, glass, cardboard and tin cans.


Where to recycle what:

Keep Hillcrest Beautiful Association: Paper, cardboard, large appliance polystyrene, glass bottles and cans.

Kloof Civic Offices (Emolweni Road): All plastics, glass bottles, cans (including rinsed out, empty paint tins), aluminium foil ( cleaned pie plates and sheets of foil), cardboard and paper.

Pavilion Shopping Centre Green initiatives: The Pavilion is known for its longstanding cardboard recycling programme and glass and plastic recycling programme.

DSW Landfills: The Mariannhill Landfill site is situated on 1 Landfill Rd, Mariannhill Park and the Wyebank Garden Landfills site on Fernleigh Avenue, Zamokhuhe, Kloof.

The Wyebank Garden Landfills is strictly for garden refuse only and each resident is allowed to dispose one load per week of a standard bakkie volume.



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