Three medal stamp of approval for Hillcrest hobbyist

Tony Evans was recently awarded three medals at a Stamp Show 2018 hosted by the Pretoria Philatelic Society.

EVERYONE has a hobby that is close to their hearts and for Tony Evans it is collecting stamps.

Although stamp collecting use to be the most popular hobby, he feels that it is slowly fading away and is now associated with the older generation.

The Hillcrest resident was recently awarded three medals at a Stamp Show 2018 hosted by the Pretoria Philatelic Society. His awards included The Best Rhodesian Exhibit on Show and The Best One Frame.

The 83-year-old said he started collecting stamps since his school days.

“My father was in West Africa during the war and wrote us many letters. Even at boarding school in England, we collected stamps for fun and even used them as marbles, so they came in handy.

Evans said he took a break from collecting stamps, but since his retirement, he has returned to his old-time favourite hobby.

He was the only exhibitor from KZN and said he collects the unusual funny stamps. “You have to be very careful with them and keep them dry.”

His wife, Julia is also an avid stamp collector, but her focus is on owls, “a person can collect whatever they want, some collect trains, flowers and to enjoy this hobby it does not have to be expensive,” he said.

This was not Evans’ first victory as he once won a competition with his 64-page rhino show entry/exhibition.

“Once you are used to it, you get better every time so I invite other people to try it. There are stamp auctions and stamp dealers where people can collect their stamps.”

The Highway Philatelic Society meets every second Saturday of the month. Contact Bev Chittenden on 083 679 4080 for details.

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