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Westville girl wins Amashova 65km

The Grade 9 Westville Girls' High School learner impressed from the beginning as she whizzed past with the lead pack of the 65km race.

WESTVILLE’s Ainsli de Beer was the first woman home in the 32nd Amashova Classic Road Cycle 65km Race on Sunday, 21 October.

The Grade 9 Westville Girls’ High School learner impressed from the beginning as she whizzed past with the lead pack of the 65km race.

Tucking in nice and tight to make herself as streamlined as possible, Ainsli used the downhills to gain advantage and widen the gap between her and the other riders. Crossing the finish line in 1:56:15 made Ainsli the 2018 Champion in the U17 girls category, and secured her the title of first lady overall in the 65km race.

“I am so happy with my result”, said Ainsli about her performance.

“I am so comfortable on my road bike at the moment. I felt strong on the climbs, and I have improved on my downhills. I changed my tuck position on the descents in this race, and I hit 64km/h at some stages. It felt so good.”

Ainsli de Beer is no stranger to road cycling in Westville. As a member of the Westville Cycle Club, she won the M13 Classic Road Race 51km on 3 June this tear.

Ainsli was also part of the KZN Road Cycling team to participate in the European Youth Cycle Tour in Assen in the Netherlands in August this year.

When asked what she will focusing on next, the humble teenager enthusiastically replied, ‘Exams’.



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