Help find Pinetown missing teen

Nakitta James was last seen on Friday night in Nazareth Drive.

MARIANNRIDGE resident, Bernita James has appealed to anyone who may have details about her missing niece, Nakitta James (14).

The Grade 10 learner at Wingen Heights Senior Secondary School was last seen outside her home at Nazareth Drive.

Nakitta, who resides with her granny, was on her way to her aunt’s house when she disappeared.

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“I was told that she was last seen on Friday night (23 February) at about 7.30pm waiting for a car to pick her up,” said Bernita.

The teen was last seen wearing a grey jersey, white vest and stonewash jeans. At the time she was also carrying a blue bag.

Anyone who has information can contact Bernita on 073 122 9993 or Crime Stop on 0860 10111.



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