Women learn how to get into shape

Networkers learnt about mindful body transformation and understanding why 80 per cent of New Year's resolutions and re-commitments to a new training and eating programme do not often last.

HIRSCH’S Hillcrest recently held its first Ladies Networking Morning for 2018 with guest speaker Cindy Stevenson from Curves Hillcrest.

Networkers learnt about mindful body transformation and understanding why 80 per cent of New Year’s resolutions and re-commitments to a new training and eating programme do not often last.

“Everyone wants to know the secret of how to get in shape, but it’s really more about training our minds and changing our mindset in order to achieve a positive result,” said Stevenson.

She said science has proven it takes 63 days to create a new mindset and reprogramme your brain and body into a new routine.

The Margaret Hirsch Women In Business finalist is announced at every ladies networking morning.

January’s finalist is Alice Leah from the A-List.

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