Burst pipes cost City millions

"Every year, excessive amounts of water is wasted as a result of burst pipes which cost the municipality millions - R710. 90 million in eThekwini to be exact. " - Samantha Windvogel.

ETHEKWINI Municipality lost 132,51 million kilolitres of water in the 2015/2016 financial year alone due to burst pipes, according to Ward 65 councillor, Samantha Windvogel.

She said due to the failing infrastructure, there is always continuous pipe bursts and in most instances, these bursts occur in the same spots.

Also read: Ashley burst pipe is no longer a ‘surprise’

“For this year alone there have been more than five major pipe bursts on Sarnia Road, between the Bellair SAPS and Limnos Square Shopping Centre as well as Farfield Road in Hillary.”

She said more burst pipes occurred just above road level on Sarnia Road, Bellair, not far from the other burst pipes.

“In one instance, a house was flooded due to the major pipe burst. I was informed by the owner of the house that, for this year alone, there have been four bursts at the exact same spot and this has damaged his property,” said Windvogel.

She added that she has reported this matter to eThekwini Water Department senior staff but is still waiting for feedback.

“Every year excessive amounts of water is wasted as a result of burst pipes which cost the municipality millions – R710. 90 million in eThekwini to be exact.”

Windvogel urged residents to report all pipe bursts or leaks of public water supply (not leaks in private property) to 080 131 3013 or email eservices@durban.gov.za or SMS 43554.

“A reference will be given to you. If the City does not address the matter after 48 hours, email the complaint to me at cllrsamantha.windvogel@gmail.com.

Remember to include the reference number in your mail,” said Windvogel who is determined to help stop the preventable water wastage.


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