Kloof Rotary inducts new president

The Rotary Club of Kloof's new president, Peter Scorgie, hopes to add a plethora of new skills to the current and dedicated team of Rotarians.

THE Rotary Club of Kloof welcomed its new president, Peter Scorgie, at its induction evening at the Kloof Country Club recently.

The Rotarians dressed to the nines at the intimate dinner ceremony.

The club has, for 37 years, supported the local community with its various projects.

“We are an organisation of people who, through Rotary, have the desire and ability to make a difference in the lives of those whom we engage within our community,” said Peter.

“We will continue to pursue new and existing goals and while doing so, we will try to do so in a manner which is fun and individually rewarding to our members.”

He noted his hopes for the next year were to strengthen its membership as new members bring new perspectives and backgrounds which will enable the club to continue making a positive difference in the community.

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