Kloof rehab strives to transform lives

The faith-based non-profit company helps drug addicts recover and equips them with the needed skills to reintegrate into society and stay off drugs.

IT is through one couple’s commitment and unwavering passion to help others, no matter the time, cost or severity of the situation, that has allowed the Waynol Anti Narcotics Christian Manor to grow.

From its humble beginnings in Johannesburg, to its doors first opening in Kloof in April in 2016, the Falconers have helped dozens of people not only recover from their drug addiction but go on to live full and healthy lives.

Craig (CEO) and Janet (director) said the recovery rate at Christian rehab centres are far greater than conventional rehabs.

“Addicts are the most manipulative and ingenious people you will meet. There is always some kind of disorder associated with drug users. For us, the only disorder is the need to lie and deceive people when we are addicted,” said Craig.

“First and foremost, calling it a disease tells me that everything that I’ve done up to this point is not my fault and it is because of this “disease”.

“This is not the truth and that is why we are not getting better. We look to blame everyone in society for our affliction – besides ourselves. Once people get here, they only hear the truth. They need to man up to what they have done,” said Craig.

Recovery steps

The couple said they first hosted an intervention for the drug user. This is always done in a team of three or more.

If need be, the police are also called in to help track the person down.

“It is then our job to persuade them. There have been a few dangerous moments during interventions where we have been attacked,” said Craig.

“If the person is in a crack house we need to determine if he wants to get out of the crack house, if they do indeed owe money and if their family has been threatened by their actions.

“If the addict refuses rehab, the manor will launch a court section against he user. Addicts will then complete a two to three week detox and are then welcomed into the Kloof-based Manor.

“The non-profit company (NPC) offers three month, six month, nine month and one-year programmes, all of which include a compulsory after care for six months.

“The aftercare section is the most important part. The most challenging thing for them is being out in the world again as here they are in a safe environment,” said Craig.

Weed is chemically enhanced

The Manor can host up to 35 patients at a time and is currently home to 21 people.

Its patients include those recovering from crack cocaine, cocaine, heroine, ecstasy pills, crystal meth or whoonga.

After the two to three week detox, patients begin the 12-step programme, Celebrate Recovery by author Rick Warren.

It is a spiritual-based programme.

The NPC also has an in-house Man-Up programme, in which patients are taught to take responsibility of their own lives.

According to Janet, they have found that many of their patients suffered from psychosis and, after investigating, found they have not used anything stronger than marijuana.

“Weed is now chemically enhanced and altered to sell less for more,” she said.

Character building

“We teach our patients that the world doesn’t belong to them and them alone.

They are doing this for the people around them as everything they’ve done before they came here was for themselves.

They have to give back and do this for their loved ones. It is a character building change, if you change the heart, the mind follows,” said Craig.

The couple both agreed that if drug addicts do not seek recovery the outcome could be tragic, from turning to a life of crime to feed their habit, arrested and receive jail time or die.

“Nowadays there is a pill for almost everything. What has happened to us as humans that we need a pill for everything? If you are willing to do it our way, you will leave here and not want to do drugs again.

“All we want is for people to get better. We want them to cry and get frustrated because then we can get into why they are feeling that way and how we can uplift them. We run our rehabilitation with absolute love and create a family environment and help them to get better,” said Craig.

They also equip patients with skills development classes and give them coping mechanisms to help them deal with every day life so as to reintegrate themselves successfully back into society.

Contact the manor

The NPC’s website is currently under construction, but you can make an-in-kind or cash donation by contacting Janet or Craig directly. Contact Janet on 079 070 6379 or Craig on 076 178 5724 or 031 764 2888. Alternatively, you can e-mail waynolna@gmail.com.



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