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Join WI make friends and make a difference

The WI plays a unique role providing women with educational opportunities and the chance to build new skills, to take part in a wide variety of activities and to campaign on issues that matter to them and their communities.

THE Women’s Institute met at the St John Baptist Church in Pinetown for their AGM and coffee morning which included craft competitions and a raffle on Thursday, 30 March.

The Pinelands and Pinetown Women’s Institute are a group of 185 women.

The WI plays a unique role providing women with educational opportunities and the chance to build new skills, to take part in a wide variety of activities and to campaign on issues that matter to them and their communities.

“The ‘Coffee Morning’ was our fund-raiser. The ladies were amazing in their support of this project and almost all the tickets were sold. Lovely raffle and lucky draw prizes were collected and on the day the catering, as usual, was terrific. We had many visitors attend the morning which was a great success,” said outgoing executive member, Ray Mackintosh.

An amount of R1 000 was collected from that morning and was donated to Federation.

“Thank you to the ladies for their wonderful effort and for the fellowship that came about from this project,” added Mackintosh.


Incoming exco member, Jenny Goudie and outgoing exco member, Ray Mackintosh.


The WI membership numbers have dropped. In February last year there were 195 members.

“Unfortunately we had a few deaths as well as resignations. Our membership at the end of February 2017 stands at 185 members. I am afraid that many of our members are becoming more elderly and are not able to attend meetings as easily as in the past. A few have also relocated,” stated Mackintosh.

If you would like to join, contact incoming exco member, Jenny Goudie on 031 709 3702.



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