Top class recycling at KSP

The school was awarded a R50 000 prize in recognition of the 61 301kgs of glass bottles and jars collected in 2016.

The hall at Kloof Senior Primary School was filled with clapping, whooping and beaming learners and staff as they were told their glass recycling programme was unmatched again.

It won both the provincial and national leg of the Glass Recycling Company’s annual competition.

The school was awarded a R50 000 prize in recognition of the 61 301kgs of glass bottles and jars collected in 2016.

“A big thank you to the past and present learners and parents of Kloof Senior Primary School, the Kloof community who continue to drop off goods and Stokers and Makaranga for their ongoing support. This is not about the money but about the legacy we leave behind,” said the school’s principal, Bernice Love.

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