WATCH: Atholl Heights Primary School’s Grade R learners speak about the Tooth Fairy

Today, 28 February is National Tooth Fairy Day.

EVERY single person, at some point in our lives was visited by the tooth fairy.

The tooth fairy may have just been a means to calm a child that was undergoing the strange experience of losing a tooth. But the tale of this floating spirit goes back to the Middle Ages, although the exact origins are still unknown, which leaves us to believe that even he or she has a birth date.

Today, (28 February), marks a special day called National Tooth Fairy Day, a date that is designed to pay homage to this generous spirit that is known to leave treats or coins under our pillow, in exchange for a fallen tooth.

However, the exact date of celebration is under conjecture; some claiming it falls in February while others state that it is held in August.

Highway Mail spoke to six Grade R children at Atholl Heights Primary School in Westville to find out their thoughts on the famous Tooth Fairy.


Click on the link below to find out what they had to say.




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