Mfundo shakes up World Bartender Day

"To me, the bar is my stage and making drinks is my performance." - Mfundo Ngcobo, a local bartender.

TO celebrate World Bartender Day, 22-year-old Mfundo Brain Ngcobo at Classique Braai Lounge in Hillcrest mixed up a gorgeous and refreshing Classique cocktail. While mixing up the pear, rum, lemonade and orange juice mix, the Molweni resident gave the Highway Mail an insight into the life of a bartender.


When did you start bartending?

I started when I turned 18.

What was your reason behind taking up the job?

Many people enjoy drinking but don’t enjoy the pouring and serving and I really enjoy seeing what I can make with the different fruits and alcohol.

Do you have any bartending qualifications?

At the moment I am self-taught but would really enjoy going on a few courses to up my skills.

How did you learn to mix cocktails?

I don’t just do cocktails, I’m also a barista and can make a mean cappuccino. Cocktails are about colours and taste and this is what I am passionate about. In the beginning it was just researching the mixes and the quantities.


The Classique


What is your personal favourite mix?

I don’t drink alcohol at all. I never had a sip of it. My favourite drink to make right now is the Jam Jam, a mix of blueberries, blueberry jam and vodka.

Do you ever have to counsel people who sit at the bar?

I have had a few deep conversations with a few people and most of it has been about their relationship problems.

What do you enjoy most about your job?

It teaches me to understand others and their problems and I am a people’s person. To me, the bar is my stage and making drinks is my performance.

What is the most preferred cocktail?

Definitely the Flaming Lamborghini.

Have you invented any of your own mixes?

Not yet, but I will definitely be coming up with a few in the future.

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