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Help beautify Hillcrest for R5 a month

The non-profit organisation, KHBA, is in need of donors to help continue and grow its projects in the Hillcrest area.

IT will only cost R5 per month to ensure that Hillcrest remains beautiful for the benefit of all who live, visit and work in the area.

The Keep Hillcrest Beautiful Association (KHBA), a 10-member volunteer committee, appealed to the local residents to consider making a donation.

The non-profit organisation is responsible for the maintenance of verges on a section of Old Main Road from Nqutu Road to Centenary Lane and the island in Inanda Road on either side of the rail bridge. It also manages a drop-off recycling centre in Delamore Road which helps divert more than 30 tons of recyclables from the landfill site each month.

The group has adopted the park in Elizabeth Road in Westriding. “We employ five previously disadvantaged people and pay them from funds received from recycling and from fund-raising as well as sponsorship and membership fees. We are so grateful and give thanks to our sponsors and members,” said Marge Mitchell.

The anti-litter campaign as well as the removal of alien invasive plants, graffiti and illegal signage from municipal grounds are a few of the other projects hosted by the hard-working committee.

“With the capacity for service delivery stretched to the limit in many parts of eThekwini, our KHBA volunteers do what they can to assist the municipality in maintaining Hillcrest as an attractive and appealing destination.

“Nothing onerous is asked of you if you become a member, only that you pay an annual subscription of R50.

Your subscription, which in essence equates to just more than R4 per month, would help ensure that the association is able to continue with its mandate of keeping the area beautiful, for the benefit of residents, visitors, businesses, and the environment,” said Marge.

The Association’s banking details are:

Bank: Standard Bank

Branch: Hillcrest

Branch number: 045 726 00

Account number: 25 661 876 3

An application form can be downloaded from its webpage, www.khba.org.za and emailed to jeanjooste@mweb.co.za or posted to 4 Nkutu House, 7 Nqutu Road, Hillcrest, 3610.

If you pay via EFT, use your name as reference so the KHBA treasurer can keep sound records. To ensure you receive an annual reminder, SMS your contact details to Jean Jooste on 082 895 0540.

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