Calls for speed humps ahead of busy intersection

Kloof resident, Edwin Kopke, said three vehicles have crashed onto his pavement.

SPEED humps may be the only way to slow down traffic in the busy and dangerous King George Road, Kloof.

A concerned resident Edwin Kopke has appealed for speed humps on King George Road, Kloof for about a year with no success.

“The intersection between Link/Bridal/King George roads is still a major problem and has now become more dangerous with the increase in volumes of traffic due to the Wartercrest Mall. Nobody bothers to stop at the intersection. Maybe speed humps on the stop lines might prevent a serious accident,” said Kopke.

He said three vehicles crashed on his pavement the past year as speeding motorists could not negotiate the bend on the road near his house. “If it were not for the trees on the pavement, the vehicles would have ended up possibly in my baby daughter’s room. My car has also nearly been hit several times when I am trying to reverse out of my driveway, on a blind corner,” he said.

Kopke said the cars travel at great speeds along King George Road.

“This road is dangerous for the school children who walk to the primary school nearby.” He added that a traffic light would also be a good idea at the top of the T-junction where Bridle, Link and King George roads meet.

PR councillor for the area, Tex Collins has not responded to Highway Mail‘s questions regarding the speed humps at the time of going to print.

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