Madfin – Close encounters with the taxman

When fishing on the drop-off, two to three times out of ten, Bruce will make an appearance, as any reputable taxman would, checking to see if you have paid your dues.

EISH guys, the summer fish are cooking at the moment. Yellowfin Tuna, Cuta, Dories and Snoek are in abundance.

Big shoals of Pickhandle (sea pike) and snoek about 200 metres off the shore break. Suppose you are wondering where?

Ok guys, take the M4 about 50 kms north of Durban and you will come to the coastal town of Ballito, but first check on “wind guru” for a gentle north easter and then pack your fishing ski, rods, and live bait bucket.

Don’t forget the Azures as these fish only bite on live bait. Head towards Tiffany’s drop-off.

Always remember when you are fishing there that you will come across the taxman and this particular taxman is fondly known as Bruce.

Bruce is a Zambezi shark of about 400kg who patrols the drop-off from Salmon Bay to Tiffany’s reef and he will always demand his share. But do not fear, Bruce is not partial to a leg or an arm.

He prefers yellowfin tuna.

When fishing on the drop-off, two to three times out of ten, Bruce will make an appearance, as any reputable taxman would, checking to see if you have paid your dues.





But Bruce as the reputable taxman will take the lion’s share, the body, but will generously leave you the head. You can really get up close and personal with Bruce and the sea in a fishing ski.

Being one-on-one with the beautiful sea and the majestic fish that migrate through our waters is the most incredible feeling. Sitting on a ski at the level of the water where you can touch the water on either side of you, can be daunting initially.

But persevere and go in a group and after you have caught your first fish, that vulnerability dissipates.

Lookout for the dolphins as they will always lead you to the fish.

There is nothing more exhilarating than hooking a 20 to 30 kg yellowfin tuna, and sometimes even bigger, on a fishing ski and being dragged kilometres out to sea, not wanting to give up.

Always ending with the traditional circling down from the deep.

If you are up for it, throw poppers into the shoal and watch how they smash them.

This is the ultimate rush!

Sorry, I gotta go, the cooler box is packed and I have something special for Bruce.



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