Durban urged to conserve water as reservoirs run dry

Residents face another spate of water restrictions.

WITH the threat of stage three water restrictions looming over the city of Durban, the municipality has yet again appealed to the public to use water sparingly. Yesterday, the eThekwini Municipality’s Head of Communications, Tozi Mthethwa said water level at Albert falls Dam had become critical – dropping to 26.1 per cent. Making matter worse, in the ongoing drought, is the fact that the Mt Moriah feeder reservoir ran dry – leaving hundreds of residents without water for over a week.

During the festive season the eThekwini Municipality ‘relaxed’ some of its restrictions to cater for the increased demand prompted by an influx of holidaymakers.


In an effort to conserve water and to help alleviate the water crisis people can implement these several tips and tricks:

– Do not leave the tap running when brushing your teeth or for any other activities

– Take a strict two-minute shower. It uses less water than bathing in a bath tub

– Instead of washing clothes every day with a half load, wash every alternate day with a full load

– When washing vegetables, wash them in a dish instead of under running water


– When washing dishes, do not use running water, rather fill the basin with water.

– Read your meter on a daily basis to ensure there are no internal leaks in your property.

– Avoid washing cars if possible or wash using bucket water instead of hose pipe

– Do not fill the swimming pools

– If you are going away, close the main water valve

According to the municipality, it is also imperative that resident report leaks and illegal water connections to the Water Department. The  call centre number is 080 131 3013.

Residents can also use the number 083 707 3013 to SMS when reporting water leaks or e-mail or use the WhatsApp Water Reporting number, 073 148 3477.



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