Cruel results of painting a monkey

The monkey has been seen between the Mushroom farm, the old Shongweni market site and Highmead complex and the Monkey Helpline needs help to rescue it.

MONKEY Helpline has appealed for people to help them rescue a monkey which has been painted red in the Upper Highway area.

Monkey Helpline’s Carol Booth posted details about the incident on her Facebook page and said, believe it or not, there are some people who still believe the myth that if you trap a monkey, paint it, and release it back into the troop, it will frighten the troop into running away, resolving any ‘problems’ you might be having with the presence of the monkeys.

“The theory is that the painted monkey, unaware of his own appearance, runs back to his troop. When the troop see the apparition approaching, they flee. Not knowing why they are running, the painted monkey runs to catch up with them and the troop just keep running away.”

“Ultimately, the entire troop is believed to disappear over the horizon and never be seen again. It’s all a load of nonsense!! Fact is, the poor painted monkey, in addition to facing the effects of being painted, is also ostracized by the troop. Chased, bitten, pummeled and kept away from food. This victim of human stupidity leads a miserable life, and the perpetrator of the foul deed gains nothing,” she said.

“So it is in this monkey’s interest that we catch it as soon as possible, and attempt to remove the paint or dye so that his life can return to normal and also reduce the risk of him becoming a novelty target for some trigger-happy thrill-seeker,” Carol said in her post.

He has been seen between the Mushroom farm, the old Shongweni market site and Highmead complex. He moves across both sides of Cassia Road crossing the busy road in both directions.

“You can help us help this unfortunate little animal,” said Carol.

Carol asked people to contact fellow rescuer, Steve Smit on 082 659 4711.

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