Spread rays of hope this festive season

The Sunflower Fund's new SMS campaign aims to recruit potential stem cell donors.

THIS festive season, The Sunflower Fund is running a SMS campaign to help all patients, in need of a life-saving blood stem cell transplant, to find their match and go on to have happy and fulfilled lives.

They are urging all South Africans to spare a thought and take the time to SMS the word, Sunflower, to 40555 to donate R20 to The Sunflower Fund as they believe that ‘Hope begins with you’. (SMS charged at R20. Free SMSes do not apply. Revenue paid to the charity is subject to network operator fees and administration fees).

Stephanie Berry, KZN regional manager of the Sunflower Fund, said their wish for 2017 is to see South Africans doing something extraordinary by supporting their cause by either becoming a blood stem cell donor, donating funds, volunteering or participating in their campaigns and events.

“This will offer the hope of life to so many patients in need of a life-saving blood stem cell transplant,” said Berry.

The Sunflower Fund is a non-profit organisation whose sole purpose is to raise money to create awareness, to educate and to pay for the tissue typing of potential blood stem cell donors for inclusion on the South Africa Bone Marrow Registry. The more donors on the Registry, the more hope patients suffering with leukaemia and other life threatening blood disorders have of finding their 1:100 000 donor match.

“It is very unlikely that this life saving donor match will be found outside a patient’s ethnic group which means in South Africa 100 000 donors of each of the four prominent ethnic groups (Black, Coloured, Indian and White) need to be educated and recruited.”

“Although it only takes two test tubes of blood to become a donor it costs R2000 to tissue type this blood sample before it can be included on the registry, so please support our campaigns,” added Berry.

The Sunflower Fund’s toll free number (0800 12 10 82) is closed between 15 December 2016 and 9 January 2017. If you are interested in becoming a donor for any patient with leukaemia or a life threatening blood disorder, contact The Sunflower Fund in the New Year or visit www.sunflowerfund.org.za

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