Bids roll in at MS auction

The organisation raised much-needed funds at a fun auction at the Quo Restaurant in Gillitts recently.

DOZENS of Highway members gathered at the Quo Restaurant in Gillitts for the MS Society’s exciting auction fundraiser event.

Mr King of the Universe, Dyllan Desfontaines, a 17-year-old learner at St Henry’s Marist College in Durban was the guest of honour at the auction. He was accompanied by Jenna O’Brien, Miss Upper Highway Ambassador.

Multiple Sclerosis is a sinister autoimmune disease of the central nervous system, is incurable and could strike at any stage. Many of the symptoms remain unnoticed by the general public,” she said.

“It is different for every person and can lead to a long and debilitating way of life with movement slowly limited until the person is confined to a wheelchair, bedridden or dies. We look after doctors, lawyers, school secretaries, pharmacists, researchers, teachers – people from all walks of life, from all religions, races or age. Our youngest patient is 17 years old,” said Dee Munks, the chairman of Multiple Sclerosis South Africa KZN.

“The event was a huge success and we raised a whopping R41 000. There are just so many people to thank, the auctioneer, Mark de Beer, the committee members, Quo Restaurant and the musician, Lorraine McVean. People gave so willingly,” said a humbled Dee.

To make a donation to the NPO, contact Dee Munks via e-mail at or on 083 411 4282.

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