R 28 000 raised for a worthy cause

The money raised will be used to finance and support one of the three selected candidates each year to have a cochlear implant.

A MASQUERADE ball fundraiser which was hosted for the Decibel Cochlear Campaign raised R 28 000. The first annual ‘Masquerade Ball’ was organised by Sonel Steyn (MDSA KZN regional fundraising manager). MDSA – Miss, Mr and Mrs Deaf South Africa is a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to enhancing the lives of many people living without the ability to hear.

The event which was held at the Kloof Country Club included a grand auction, a fashion show and an after-party.

“The money raised will be used to finance and support one of the three selected candidates each year to have a cochlear implant.

“The event featured Emanuel Pietersen as the MC for the evening. Janie Erasmus, current Miss Deaf SA and Miss Deaf World and Dr K Schlemmer were the guest speakers for the evening,” said Steyn

People who were unable to attend the ball, but wish to donate to this worthy cause can contact Sonel Steyn at sonel.steyn1979@gmail.com, visit https://www.mdsa.web.za or call 074 889 4715 (Sonel Steyn).


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