Municipality launches WhatsApp reporting line

The WhatsApp water reporting number is 073 148 3477.

ETHEKWINI Municipality launched a WhatsApp Water Reporting Line to make it easier and convenient for the public to report any water related issues.

The WhatsApp Water Reporting number is 073 148 3477.

“This project is part of the City’s ongoing effort to make communication with its 3.5 million residents simpler, fast-track service delivery, reduce the water leak repair turnaround time and water wastage,” said eThekwini head of communications, Tozi Mthethwa.

Residents can report leaks, burst pipes, illegal connections, blocked sewer drains, water supply interruptions and any other water related issue to the eThekwini Water and Sanitation (EWS) Unit.

“It will essentially be a platform for the community and business to report all water-related issues, anytime and anywhere, using their phones.

“The WhatsApp channel will also have a facility for consumers to send location pins of problems which will assist in locating problem areas. Customers will have their chat history with EWS kept for reference purposes on unresolved issues.

“Customers will at times be asked to take pictures of the leaks or bursts to allow correct coding of faults to be done during the capturing stage,” said Mthethwa.

A task team had been working on putting the project together and EWS is ready to roll it out the public. Necessary infrastructure has already been set up at a call centre while staff training has been conducted. A pilot project also has been conducted successfully to test the feasibility.

Zandile Gumede, eThekwini Mayor said she had pledged to prioritise water and sanitation provision during her inaugural speech.

“I was not just paying lip service when I said the City must continue to get the basics right. We have remained true to our pledge and demonstrated that our City is committed to using modern technology to fast-track service delivery.

“We are confident that eThekwini residents will partner with us to ensure the timeous reporting of water leaks, burst pipes, illegal connections, blocked sewer drains and water supply interruptions,” she said.

Human Settlements and Infrastructure Committee chairman, Mondli Mthembu said he will continuously monitor the work of all Municipal Units under his portfolio committee to ensure that they deliver services in response to the needs of the people.

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