Councillor to crack down on messy contractors

The Ward 18 councillor's first area she was drawn to was the recently rehabilitated Escom Road.

WARD 18 councillor, Mel Fraser Brauteseth, is on the hunt for government contractors who leave a mess behind once projects are complete in the Pinetown and Westville areas.

She said this included the piles of bricks and rubble left on sidewalks long after the work is completed. “I recently conducted an oversight inspection in Escom Road. While local businesses are grateful for the resurfacing of the road, there are still numerous piles of aggregate and old tar along the roadside. This is not only unsightly, but it is also a safety hazard for pedestrians. It also creates an environmental risk as the bitumen from the tar leeches into the soil at every downpour,” said Fraser Brauteseth.

She is also dismayed at the attitude of contractors once work is complete. “No construction job is complete until the surrounding area is made good and rehabilitated,” she said.

She also confirmed that she would also be following up with the various departments who authorised the work to ensure that contractors fully understand their complete duties. “Contractors will be brought to book and compelled to perform. I will make strong recommendations that non-compliant contractors are not used again,” insisted Fraser Brauteseth.

Highway residents who have noted any rubble left behind after construction or rehabilitation projects are compete, can contact Mel Fraser Brauteseth via e-mail at

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