Police visibility increased in Pinetown

A Crime Awareness Campaign will be held in the Pinetown CBD in September.

FOLLOWING reports of increased criminal activity in the Pinetown CBD especially in the vicinity of the Home Affairs offices, police in Pinetown have increased police visibility and deployments in the area.

According to KZN police spokesman, Lt Col Thulani Zwane, more police officers had been deployed in the CBD to curb the robberies with constant patrols in hotspots.

“Police have deployed officers on motorbikes to patrol the CBD while others have been deployed undercover to arrest the perpetrators and a number of arrests have been made from July to date by Pinetown Police, relating to robberies which occurred outside the Home Affairs Department and in the CBD,” said Zwane.

Zwane said no one came forward when a request was made by the police in the Highway Mail in July and in other local media platforms for those who have been victims of crimes to come and identify the suspects during identification parades.

“Pinetown police are requesting those who have fallen victims to crime to come forward so that more charges can be added when the suspects appear in court,” he said.

Zwane said unfortunately many victims of crime do not report their cases to police and as a result these thugs continue to commit crime.

On Friday, 2 September, a Crime Awareness Campaign will be held in the Pinetown CBD in conjunction with the Community Police Forum, local businesses, taxi associations, hawkers and community members.

The KwaZulu-Natal, Provincial Commissioner Lt General Mmamonnye Ngobeni is appealing to the community to work together with police to eliminate crime in the province.

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