PHOTOS: Grace the statue represents every girl

The unveiling was attended by members of the board, pupils, Old Girls, parents, teachers, special guests and friends of St Mary’s DSG Kloof.

STATUE Grace, a timeless piece of contemporary art by renown local sculptor Helena Vogelzang, was unveiled on Saturday, 13 August at St Mary’s DSG, Kloof.

Grace, a life-size statue made of bronze butterflies, is a St Mary’s Foundation initiative. Their role is to transform lives through the provision of financial support for girls whose lives will be changed by the education they receive through the bursary programme.

Those who donated R 1 000 to sponsor a butterfly which was part the beautiful piece of contemporary art, also made a difference to a young girl’s life.

Sculptor, Helena Vogelzang, was very emotional as Grace was unveiled, she said when creating the statue she looked to nature, “butterflies and girls seemed to perfectly merge as they transition from one state to another,” she added.

Each donor’s name is listed on the bronze plaques mounted on the base of the statue.

The school’s principal, Jonathan Manley said, “Grace would not be here if it were not for many, many people working together. She will be here for generations to come and will be a character within our society.”

“Grace, I realised, is unique to this school and has taken a form of her own, in a way she is not by my hands. She is multifaceted and reflective,” Vogelzang said.

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