Join the Umbilo River clean-up

All residents and the public are urged to assist with this river clean up.

ST Benedict School and Hatton Estate Neighbourhood Watch in conjunction with uThekwane Conservancy have teamed up to do a river clean-up of the Umbilo River that runs through the Hatton Estate area in Pinetown on Saturday, 13 August from 8am to 10am.

All residents and the public are urged to assist with this clean up, as together you can make that difference everyone wants to see. Meet at the Marian Crescent Park, off Underwood Road in Pinetown (Turn into Marian Crescent, at T junction, turn left and park in the cul-de-sac).

Gum boots and gloves are a must.  Bags will be supplied for the rubbish.

Contact Jenny on 083 655 3025.


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