Children receive blankets of love

Little Feet Baby Home is an interim home for abandoned babies.

FULFILLING their mandate along with Mandela Day, a team from Ocean Basket KZN visited the Little Feet Baby Home in Malvern on Wednesday, 20 July. Fifty children from Burlington were showered with love, blankets and lunch, courtesy of the seafood restaurant head office.

The team was welcomed by Jerome and Selvana Naicker, crisis care parents, who have dedicated both their home and lives to raising abandoned babies, their staff as well as an intern from Switzerland. The invited children sang and danced, evidently having a good time.

“Every year we adopt a different children’s home to give back in the spirit of Mandela Day. A colleague of ours found the Little Feet Baby Home and we were touched by their programme. We asked for a wishlist and here we are to donate blankets for all 50 children as well as supplies for the baby home,” explained administrator at Ocean Basket, Mala Maharaj.

The Naickers said they were grateful for the donation. “We are grateful to Ocean Basket for their donation for the children and home. We also would like to thank the people who give their time to get involved with Little Feet Baby Home. The important thing is not just giving a meal, time is just as important,” they said.

Jerome is also passionate about the youth and give talks regularly. “A lot of the children in our care were abandoned when we received them. And we found the need to educate young people about sexual health, teen pregnancies and abortion. Shockingly, teenagers are now using abortion as a method of contraception which is dangerous,” he explained.

Little Feet Baby Home is an interim home for abandoned babies. The role of crisis care parents is to love and care for little ones until social workers place them with their adoptive parents. Donations and volunteers are always welcome. For more information about the home, call 031 464 0811 or e-mail

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