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Hearty donation to boost Headway’s coffers

The trust chose the local NPO as it is one of the only institutions that gives support to those with brain injuries and for the excellent service it provides.

THE members, volunteers and staff at Headway-Natal were ecstatic to learn of the R150 000 donation from the Graham Moor Trust.

Graham Moor is a brain injury survivor and said he has walked a long road to reclaim and reconstruct much of his life since 2005, when he was hit by a car driven by a drunk driver while cycling. “The first five years were the hardest and he is lucky enough to have the financial means to afford private therapy but is very aware for the need to help those that do not have the financial support to get the care they need,” said Nikki Williams, a member of the trust.

Graham is an active member of the trust as a way to keep him active and allows him to give back. “He has very strong family support around him and a very good private support. He now lives on the family farm in Escourt but visits regularly to Durban to see his therapist.”

“He knows he is lucky and it took a long time for Graham to come around out of the depression and into his new lot in life. We had to let Graham try and work to realise that he couldn’t work. He is now in a really good place,” said Nikki.

The trust chose the local NPO as it is one of the only institutions that gives support to those with brain injuries and for the excellent service it provides. “Giving back, to me, is something that is close to my heart and not many people can afford the type of therapy that I needed. I am really lucky to be alive and I feel privileged to be able to give to Headway-Natal,” said Graham.

Rod Soutter, the manager at the non-profit organisation, said he was overwhelmed by the generosity of the donation. The donation will ensure our sustainability and help us to continue the work that we do here at Headway-Natal. A big thank you from our patients and staff to the Graham Moor Trust,” said Rod.

The NPO is in need of volunteers for its coffee bar, an income generation project at its premises at 11 Menston Road in Westville. Volunteers will be tasked with managing the coffee bar on a Tuesday or a Thursday from 9am to 12pm. Long term volunteers are also needed to help with work around the centre. Contact Headway-Natal on 031 266 2709 or e-mail headway@dbn.stormnet.co.za

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