Saien shares his maths talent in Thailand

Thomas More College's Junior Primary SPAR Star of the Month - June 2016.

Saien Moodley, a Grade 7 pupil at Thomas More College is its SPAR Star of the Month.

Saien has a naturally inquisitive mind and the enjoyment of mathematical logic which leads to solving challenging and complex problems has always fascinated him.

He believes that IMAS (International Mathematics Assessment for Schools) has given him the opportunity to fully exploit his maths talents and also realise his shortcomings. He will be traveling with the KZN team in August to Thailand where they will join the other provincial teams and represent SA in both the individual and team competitions.

Then on his return, Saien will also be competing in the final round of the Beyond Maths Challenge in September. Besides his passion for figures, Saien recently received a gold certificate for achieving 100 per cent in the junior division of the 2016 computer talent search Olympiad, which is administered by IITPSA.

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