Police warn pupils to stay away from drugs

Police expect an increase in drug peddling during school break.

PINETOWN police have sent a stern warning to pupils attending the pens down/Explosion school closing party holidays, that they have to behave themselves and not get into trouble with the law.

According to Capt Bongumusa Manqele, communications officer for Pinetwon SAPS, the police will be deployed in most hot spot areas and beaches to make sure that those who use drugs and alcohol in public places will be arrested.

“In April this year, a number of parties were organised by the pupils and at some of these parties the youth were allegedly using drugs called ‘Mercedes’ and ‘Lacosta’ that resulted in deaths in KwaMashu and other areas. Other pupils were admitted in hospitals for treatment after allegedly using these drugs,” said Manqele.

A man was recently arrested in Pinetown area for selling these drugs to young people.

“Our children are precious and we want them to live in an environment that is safe where they will learn and grow. Drug-taking among young people can endanger their lives and future. We want schools to be safe so that our children can empower themselves with knowledge for their future,” said Manqele.

He added that schools and communities have a responsibility to educate children about the dangers of abusing drugs. He also encouraged the community to continue informing the police about the presence of drug dealers.

“We appeal to the youth to behave themselves. They should not use drugs or alcohol and those who will be found consuming drugs or alcohol will be arrested. Police will be deployed in all recreation parks to monitor and ensure that no alcohol is used in those areas,” concluded Manqele.

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