Durban company invests in education

The company was approached by the Department of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs.

EDAMINI Combined School in Shongweni was one of two schools which received a cash injection from Conlog (Pty)Ltd a Durban-based company.

The company was approached by the Department of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs (COGTA KZN), who identified 105 deserving children who needed school uniforms. Conlog approached Ahmed Motala of New Africa Education Foundation, an NPO, to oversee the project on their behalf.

Representatives of Conlog and New Africa Education Foundation visited the school and also identified that there was a lack of books at the school.

After consultation with the Conlog corporate social responsibility committee they agreed to sponsor the uniforms as well as a mobile library for the school.

Zama Xulu, Conlog’s social responsibility representative said, “Society today takes so much for granted and very few people take the time to consider the plight of those who face difficulties.

“For children to have any chance at improving their literacy, furthering their education and essentially advancing their place in this world, access to books and science resources is paramount,” she said.

The Principal of Edamini, IZ Ntinga and the SGB chairrman, K Gumede both welcomed the donation saying that many parents could not afford the uniforms.

“The school’s lack of library facilities has proved a huge impediment in improving the children’s literacy rates and it is hoped that this much needed library will go a long way to change this for the better,” said Ntinga.

General manager of Conlog, Logan Moodley, added that a good education is founded on the premise that the environment be conducive to the practice of learning.

“It should be able to make available to pupils the infrastructure, facilities and resources necessary for learning.

“It was really an honour for us as a company to assist our young pupils, the future leaders of tomorrow, and we sincerely hope that the library and science resources will be put into good use by the teachers and pupils,” said Moodley.

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