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Child Protection Week launched at Malvern Home

KZN Social Development Department's Nomusa Ndlovu spoke to the youths about their rights to shelter and food, etc.

WITH the rights of children under the spotlight for an entire week, the Malvern Child and Youth Care Centre was proud to open its doors on Saturday, 28 May, to host a Child Protection Week launch event by the KZN Social Development Department. The occasion was attended by the children and social workers from four child and youth care centres – namely Ethelbert, Makaputu, St Vincent and Streetwise.

KZN Social Development Department’s Nomusa Ndlovu spoke to the youths about their rights to shelter and food, to go to school and most importantly their right to say ‘no’ to any form of abuse. Her address fell in line with the main purpose of National Child Protection Week, which ran from Sunday, 29 May to Sunday, 5 June and aimed to raise awareness of the rights of children as articulated in the Children’s Act of 2005. Arthur Rawlins, a recovering drug addict and motivational speaker shared his story as an inspiration to the children to say no to drugs and to make healthy and responsible choices for their future.

The stage was then handed over to the children, who showcased a diversity of talent as each child care centre entertained guests with performances of song, dance and drama that depicted the rights of children.

Malvern Child and Youth Care Centre’s PR and fundraising manager, Lee Jarrett, said it is everyone’s responsibility to shelter children from harm. “The theme of this year’s Child Protection Week was ‘Let Us All Protect Children to Move South Africa Forward’ and calls on everyone to make it their business to protect children. We would like to echo this message by appealing to the public to get involved in helping us make child protection a reality for the many children in dire need of our help”.

The Malvern Child and Youth Care Centre provides a safe haven for 120 children, between the ages of two and 18 years, who have been placed in its care by the Children’s Court. The home provides a therapeutic programme to cater for each child’s desperate need of physical, emotional and spiritual care. The support of donors plays a crucial role in the sustainability of these programmes and the well being of the children on a daily basis.

To find out how you can help support a child, call Lee Jarrett on 031 464 0236 or e-mail lee@mchome.co.za or visit visit the website at www.malvernchildrenshome.com

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