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Spectator shares in Comrades spirit

A Comrades runner received a pair of takkies from a Hillcrest spectator so that he could make his way to the finish line.

IN true Comrades Marathon spirit, a local highway resident, Steven Herman, gave his shoes and socks to help a runner complete the gruelling 89km race.

Jabulani Mkhize, a runner donning the Kearsney Striders colours, had initially borrowed a pair of shoes from one of his friends, but as size 9s, they were a size too small.

Jabulani pushed himself to the Hillcrest area and asked a group of supporters for ice. “We were standing near Mill Road and it was about 10am when we were asked for ice by Jabulani. I thought he was going to eat it but he began applying it to his feet. We asked him what was wrong and and he said that his shoes were too small for him,” said Candice Ambler-Smith.

Another supporter offered to cut holes in his shoes and Candice said that Jabulani was willing to do it to relieve the pain. Steve then offered the runner his shoes.

Before Jabulani agreed to take him up on the offer, Steven Herman removed his own shoes, size 10, and socks, in a flash and offered them both to the runner. “He was up and running with a new bounce in his stride and a massive grin,” said Candice.

He finished the race in a time of 9 hours, 51 minutes and 39 seconds.

For all the action from the Comrades Marathon see our galleries HERE.

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