Mother hijacked outside Pinetown pre-school

The local SAPS are currently investigating the hijacking.

A MOTHER was lucky to survive a hijacking unharmed when two men held her up outside a Pinetown school yesterday afternoon.

Blue Security’s operations manager, Brian Jackson, said the woman arrived at the pre-school just before 5pm to pick up her child. “Two hijackers, one armed with a knife, pulled her out of the vehicle and drove off. No injuries were reported,” he said.

The Pinetown SAPS attended the scene of the hijacking and will be investigating. Updates to follow.

What to do during a hijack situation:

Jackson advised parents to be alert when dropping off and collecting children from school. “Hijackers operate both on foot as in this case, after being dropped off by accomplices nearby, and in vehicles, so always make sure there are no suspicious individuals lurking near the school gate before you pull up,” he said. “If you do find yourself in a hijacking situation, try to stay calm and avoid eye contact and comply with the hijackers’ requests. If your children are still in the vehicle tell the hijackers calmly that you will first remove them from the car before handing over the vehicle.”

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