‘No litter’ sign sums it up well

Westville Conservancy is urging visitors and residents to keep its suburb clean and free from litter.

WESTVILLE Conservancy, supported by Westville community businesses, have erected a cheeky sign to shame litter bugs.

According to Jean Senogles of the Westville Conservancy, the sign was erected at the intersection of Buckingham Terrace and William Lester Drive in Westville.

The sign follows a huge outcry from the community regarding litter. The Westville Conservancy members and volunteers work on various clean-up projects whenever they can and have noticed large amounts of trash thrown around in the parks and on roads.

“Litter brings down the tone of the town, so please to those who visit our parks or drive on our roads, stop littering. It also reflects poorly on the person who litters,” said Jean.

The funds from the business donations will also go towards the clearing of alien invasive plants along the M13 highway.

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