
Highway hit by spate of crime

According to Blue Security's latest crime report, the Highway area has been hard hit by criminals in the past week.

A RESIDENT was shot and another was injured during two of several home invasions in the Highway area during the past few days.

Blue Security’s operations manager, Brian Jackson, said a Westville man was shot in the head as he arrived at his Victoria Crescent home at 6.50pm on Friday evening.

“Two armed men approached him and fired shots as he drove into his garage at the back of his property. Netcare paramedics treated him at the scene before taking him to hospital. Nothing was reported stolen,” he said.

Westville SAPS attended the crime scene.

Jackson said in the latest incident, residents in Chrestholme alerted the company to an armed robbery in Bridle Road at around 6am on Sunday morning. “Neighbours heard screams for help coming from the property and called us to investigate. We found the resident in an upstairs bathroom, where a gang of armed robbers had locked him in,” he said.

Jackson said the resident had awoken to find three armed men standing next to bed. “The men threatened him, demanding valuables, and then tied him up and locked him in the bathroom before ransacking the house,” he said. “They fled in the resident’s vehicle with televisions, computers, cellphones, an iPad, bank cards and cash.” Hillcrest SAPS attended the scene of the crime.

In another home invasion in Summerveld, a man was injured when a gang of armed robbers attacked him on his Hawkestone Road property at around 10pm last Wednesday. Jackson said the robbers kicked down a glass front door to gain entry into the house.

“The gang then went to the bedroom, kicked open the door and held up the resident at gunpoint, demanding to know where the safe was located. One of the robbers then struck the resident on the head with a stick, causing an open wound,” he said. “The gang then locked the victim in the bathroom while they ransacked the property, searching for valuables.”

The gang fled the scene with cash and the resident’s vehicle. A neighbour took the injured man to hospital.

In an incident in Crestholme at around 2am last Thursday morning, housebreakers broke into a garden cottage on a property in Rainbow Drive.

“The housebreakers dug a hole under the electric fence to gain entry and then smashed a window of the cottage. They fled with a cellphone, a DVD player, jewellery, a watch and a wallet. The resident, who was asleep in the garden cottage, was not harmed during the incident,” said Jackson.

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