Grannies train for Gogolympics

The Gogolympics is one element of the Grannies Support Group project run by Hillcrest AIDS Centre Trust in response to the burden that the HIV/AIDS pandemic has placed on grannies.

TEN teams of grannies from across the Valley of 1 000 Hills have started their training for this years’ Gogolympics, which will be held at the Molweni Sports Ground on Friday, 22 April.

The Gogolympics, which is in its sixth year, is a Hillcrest AIDS Centre Trust (HACT) project which aims to improve the health of grannies who are impacted by South Africa’s HIV/AIDS crisis and daily struggles, such as caring for orphaned grandchildren.

More than 2 000 gogos are expected to compete in sporting events which will include soccer, netball, relay races, pass-the-ball and novelty games.

There are 2.5 million children orphaned due to HIV/AIDS in South Africa, with the majority of these children now in the care of their grandmothers.

The Gogolympics is one element of the Grannies Support Group project run by Hillcrest AIDS Centre Trust in response to the burden that the HIV/AIDS pandemic has placed on grannies.

The event recently gained international attention when grannies put their soccer skills to the test by taking on members of Australia’s national cricket team and winning (the game can viewed online at

Ten teams of grannies from across the Valley of 1 000 Hills are currently in training for the Gogolympics.

Grace Shange (77) from the Molweni team said they are looking forward to this year’s Gogolympics, which will be played in their area.

“We love these games as they help us keep fit and active,” she said.

The Molweni team is trained by Sindiswa Simelane, who volunteered her time to assist the grannies.

Contact HACT on 031 765 5866 or e-mail to be involved or assist in the gogolympics.

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