Kloof man sentenced for child porn

Matthy Zondagh pleaded guilty to more than 1 000 counts of child pornography.

AT the Pinetown Magistrate’s Court yesterday a 39-year-old Kloof man received a R30 000 fine and ten years imprisonment, wholly suspended for five years, for the possession of child pornography.

Matthy Zondagh, was found at his house in possession of a memory stick containing child pornographic images during a Project Spiderweb raid on Thursday, 23 April, last year.

According to Lieutenant Nqobile Gwala, from the SAPS KZN Media Centre, the raid was based on intelligence-driven information and it was a search and seizure operation. He was arrested and charged with child pornography. He has made several court appearances before his sentencing.

“He pleaded guilty to 1132 counts of possession of child pornography,” said Gwala.

“Parents should keep a close eye on who their children are chatting to on social media networks, what they are chatting about and the pictures they are sharing. This sentence is a proof that criminals cannot get away after committing such misdeeds,” said the provincial commissioner of KwaZulu-Natal, Lieutenant General Mmamonnye Ngobeni.


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