Three armed men killed in Malvern

Police are looking for two other men who escaped during a shoot-out with the police.

THREE men were killed during a shoot-out with Malvern SAPS on Friday afternoon.

According to Brigadier Jay Naicker, KZN spokesman, Malvern SAPS responded to a report of a vehicle being stolen on Main Road in Malvern.

“They spotted five men in a VW Jetta, who were attempting to steal a Toyota Tazz. When police confronted the men, they immediately sped off. Police officers pursued the men, who then started shooting at the police. Naicker said police officers returned fire at the men, who crashed their getaway vehicle.

“During the shootout, two of the men managed to flee on foot and three of them died on the scene,” he said.

Police recovered three pistols with their serial numbers filed off and live ammunition as well as car-theft implements. “The dead men have not been identified at this stage,” he said.

A case of attempted murder, possession of unlicensed firearms and suspected stolen property was opened for investigation.

“Fortunately, none of the police officers were injured during the shoot-out. A man hunt is underway for the two men who managed to flee,” added Naicker.

KwaZulu-Natal police commissioner, Lt Gen Mmamonnye Ngobeni, applauded Malvern police for their bravery while being shot at by the criminals.

“I am pleased that our officers escaped unscathed during the exchange of gunfire and I am certain that we will find the men who managed to flee so that they can face the consequences of their actions.”

These men are highly dangerous criminals and the fact that they were armed to the teeth is an indication that they will kill anyone who comes in the way of their intended criminal activities,” she said.

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