Homeless men’s shelter rises again

The shelter takes in men who are 18 years and older and at the moment their oldest resident is 71.

AFTER lots of bad publicity, the Ark KZN in Cliffdale, which is a shelter for homeless men, is now under a new management committee.

The church organisation currently looks after 76 men and their mission is to uplift the homeless, destitute and less fortunate that want to be uplifted and restore dignity through skills training and ministry.The shelter takes in men who are 18 years and older and at the moment their oldest resident is 71.

Mark Owen, member of the management committee said they take in whoonga addicts, alcoholics, disabled men who are referred to them by the hospitals, families and sometimes the churches.

“We have also started a relationship with the Open Door Crisis Center and some of the committee members have attended their counselling courses and we will now have a counselling room.

We rely heavily on donations and we want the public to know that the place is being renovated to better the lives of its residents.

The Ark has a Bible school for its occupants and they have a nursery with beautiful pots, a second-hand shop, vegetable gardens and a pizza restaurant which the occupants help run.

“These projects are our sources of income and every Wednesday we go out to the community and give out some of the clothes that are donated to us.”

The shelter has recently opened a library room to keep the residents occupied.

Another member of the committee, Jacki Pozyn, said their wish is to eventually take in 1000 people as they have very big property.

“We would like this shelter to one day also cater for women and children,” he said.

Anyone who would like to assist the shelter or be involved in their projects can contact Mark on 079 710 1759.

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