Anti-fireworks group garners support

Fireworks are enjoyed by some but are a nightmare for others.

During Guy Fawkes Day last year Di Kendall and Andrea Ording Jespersen decided to do something about the disturbance caused by fireworks, so they started a Facebook group called Petitioning Fireworks eThekwini, to try to ban fireworks.

The government doesn’t accept online petitions, so the group has a printable petition on their group page. “We decided to keep the Facebook group calm and peaceful and keep disruptions minimal,” said Kendall.

The cause has been well received by the community, some businesses hold petition meetings and motivate others to take part. So far, they have collected more than 600 signed petitions.

“We, as Petitioning Fireworks eThekwini, not only see fireworks as a nuisance but also as light pollution, noise pollution, air pollution, debris and litter and definitely not a race issue,” said Kendall.

“Children and animals are the most affected, animal especially, because they hear noises louder than people do,” she said.The group stands as a positive front to work together with the community to have peaceful and injury free events and celebrations in the future.

“We feel that respect should be awarded especially to those who are less fortunate; those with disabilities and health issues; the elderly; children and animals”, said Kendall.

The group is appealing to the community to write testimonials regarding their fireworks experiences, whether they be animal welfare personnel or those concerned with autism, Asperger’s, epilepsy, asthma and so forth.

Through research and consultation Kendall said fireworks are a danger to children. “Children are 11 times more likely to be severely injured by fireworks, mothers of young babies and toddlers note that their children’s sleep is disrupted and children with autism are affected,” Kendall stated.

People may ask what then can be used instead of fireworks that won’t dampen the mood and festivities, Kendall suggested that light shows should replace fireworks, as it is something the whole community can enjoy.

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