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Keep calm and manage mouth ulcers

How to relieve discomfort and promote quicker healing.

WITH final exams and other end-of-the-year pressures that make you want to bite your lower lip from anxiety, you may find you are more prone to mouth ulcers, which often occur during times of stress or when you’re run down.

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Mouth ulcers, also known as canker sores, are small, painful lesions that develop in your mouth, inside your cheeks or at the base of your gums. They can make eating, drinking and talking uncomfortable.

Mouth ulcers may seem like a minor ailment, but can actually be incredibly distressing.

What can trigger mouth ulcers?

– Minor mouth injury from dental work, hard brushing, sports injury or accidental bite.

– Toothpastes and mouth rinses that contain sodium lauryl sulfate.

– Food sensitivities to acidic foods such as strawberries, citrus and pineapples, and other trigger foods such as chocolate and coffee.

– Lack of essential vitamins, especially B-12, zinc, folate and iron.

– Allergic response to mouth bacteria.

– Dental braces.

– Hormonal changes during menstruation.

– Emotional stress or lack of sleep.

– Bacterial, viral or fungal infections.

Oral hygiene expert, Dirna Grobbelaar of IVOhealth, says that while ulcers can be uncomfortable, they should not be a cause for too much concern.

“Mouth ulcers are not contagious and usually clear up by themselves in a few days,” said Grobbelaar.

She does, however, warn against neglecting one’s oral care routine.

“Mouth ulcers can be painful because they expose sensitive nerve endings. This can make drinking, eating, talking and cleaning your mouth uncomfortable. However, maintaining good oral hygiene at this time can promote quicker healing and will keep your teeth and gums healthy,” said Grobbelaar.

After eating and before going to bed, rinse with salt water or an anti-bacterial mouthwash to help prevent the ulcer from becoming infected. Continue to brush your teeth correctly twice a day, using a soft-bristled toothbrush.

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Avoid acidic, spicy or salty foods and drinks, which may burn. Drinking with a straw can help, but be careful that hot drinks do not burn the throat.

There are various products available at pharmacies to relieve the pain of mouth ulcers. Most mouth ulcers will last up to 10 days before clearing up naturally. If an ulcer does not heal within two to three weeks consult your doctor or dentist – oral cancer rates are on the rise globally and predicted to treble in the next generation. An ulcer can be an early indicator and it is important to rule this out.

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