
Malvern SAPS warn of robberies on bridge

Residents are warned to keep minimal funds and property with them when using the Wall Road Bridge in the Malvern area.

DURING the weekend of 26 to 27 September in the Malvern area, a man and woman were on their way home via the Wall Road bridge when they were suddenly accosted by two unknown men.

They were threatened with a knife, and while the man wrestled with one of the men, the other ran off with the woman’s bag. The bag was later found without her cellphone, cash and groceries.

According to the victims, the two men were approximately 25 years old, both slender and tall. “A case of robbery without a firearm was registered at the Malvern SAPS and is being investigated,” said W/O Radhika Marimuthu.

“Domestic workers, school children and the public in general are cautioned to be alert when using that route. It will be safer to walk in groups and keep minimal funds and property in bags. Avoid wearing jewellery and keep your cellphone hidden. Avoid answering your phone and texting when walking. If accosted, try and scream as loudly as possible to alert someone. Avoid walking near tall trees, thick shrubbery and thick bushes,” she added.

Anyone with information regarding this incident may call the Malvern detective branch on 031 489 9624 or 031 489 962.

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