Atholl Heights residents band against crime

Westville North has seen an escalation in crime in resent months.

CONCERNED Atholl Heights residents held a meeting to discuss solutions to the escalating crime in the Westville North area.

Sgt Stephen Clark from the social crime prevention unit of the Westville SAPS and Keith du Randt, community security manager at Blue Security, addressed the concerned community members to discuss ways in which they can help residents combat crime and how they, as a community, can band together to help prevent crime.

According to Narinta Govender, who organised the meeting, over the last two months crime had increased in the area and was a cause of fear and anxiety. Many crimes occurred in the daytime, and although she praised the Westville SAPS for their quick response to call-outs, she requested more patrols from the police and Blue Security as well as tips to help the residents prevent becoming targets.

Sgt Clark explained that the trend at the moment seemed to be for criminals to target cul de sacs, where there is one entrance for vehicles but multiple areas to access on foot.

He urged residents to look out for their neighbours and described how successful neighbourhood watch groups are, in that residents are able to notify one another quickly of unfamiliar strangers or vehicles in the area. Westville SAPS has the WhatsApp groups of the various community police forums on hand.

“Community police forums are a go-between for the community and police and are a good flow of information. Don’t be afraid of phoning the police. See us as the good guys and people you can ask for help. Support your local CPFs as they have the power to motivate the police,” said Clark.

He also advised people to examine their routines, habits and security as all these are exploited by criminals. Du Randt added that Blue Security is happy to go out and give free assessments at homes regarding weak spots in residents’ security.

The Westville Community Police Forum meets on the third Tuesday of the month at the Westville Country Club at 6.30pm.

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