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Lee couple celebrates five decades of marital bliss

A Hillcrest couple shared their recipe for a successful marriage.

THE flames of love and compassion for each other still burn as bright as they did 50 years ago for the Lee couple. Seated around the fireplace in their cozy Hillcrest home, Bob (74) and Helen (72) Lee reminisced about their five decades of marital bliss and shared details about their courting days, wedding and recipe for a successful marriage.

The couple, who will be celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary this Friday, met at a church camp at Kearnsey College after Helen caught the attention of Bob, who was watching participants compete in a debate challenge between the Malvern Methodist Guild and the Pinetown Methodist Guild.

“I was just watching the contest when I noticed Helen. I met her brother outside the hall and found out that we were going to the same camp. At the camp, her brother introduced me to her and continued introducing me to her,” chuckled Bob.

They courted for five years before getting married on 3 July, 1965. The wedding, which was filled with Scottish tradition at the Pinetown Methodist Church, was attended by about 120 guests and the reception was held at the Kloof Country Club.

When asked about what attracted them to each other, Bob said, “Sometimes, when you look at someone, you will know that person is for you.” Meanwhile, Helen was attracted to Bob’s dashing looks and sense of humour.

In regards to the key to having a successful marriage, the couple, who currently run their own businesses, said, “You need to work on it. It is about give and take. When God is in your marriage, it can only be successful. We both have a firm belief in God and so do our children, for which we are grateful.

“I appreciate Bob because he has always been so supportive and has given me the freedom to be my own person,” said Helen, who is part of the Kidz Aid initiative and the president of the Methodist Women’s Auxiliary for the Natal coastal district.

The couple was blessed with the births of their three children, and their family trip to Europe is included in their most memorable moments.

The proud grandparents to seven grandchildren will be celebrating this milestone with two occasions. There will be a luncheon on Saturday for close family and friends and a Victorian tea at their home later this month.

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