News from City Hall

News from eThekwini Council includes plans for Virginia airport, a programme for the youth in Youth Month and a policy for military veterans


The City Planning Commission has been established to align the long-term City Growth and Development Strategy with National and Provincial Government. EThekwini is the first city to set up its own commission after National and Provincial Commissions were established.

The City Planning Commission is chaired by Professor Ivan Turok and comprises of experts from across various fields.


In line with the National Military Veteran’s Act of 2011 government is committed to recognising and honouring all veterans across various backgrounds for their sacrifices by ensuring the smooth transition from active military service to civilian life as well as improving the quality of life of Military Veterans and their dependents.

Mayor James Nxumalo said the Municipality was doing its own verification process to establish the number of military veterans who are residing in eThekwini. A policy will be submitted to Council for adoption.


Recently Council took a decision to redevelop the Virginia Airport site. Soon public notices will be placed about how the city will engage with the unsolicited bid for a mixed-use development.

In pursuit of this development compliance with supply chain framework will be followed. We also expect the city to conclude lease agreements with operators which will not impede the development in future.

The city is working with the Provincial Government of KwaZulu-Natal, Airports Company of South Africa, Dube TradePort and other stakeholders to unlock this investment and to secure the alternative site. This development will also be integrated to proposed development at the Beachwood Country Club.


The youth will live the legacy we leave hence this is an integral part of the Mayoral Programme with the appointment of the Youth Manager as of 1 May 2015 signalling the establishment of the Youth Development Office.

Activities for youth month will include the launch of the Mayoral Cup, which aims to encourage positive lifestyle through sports and culture. It will involve youth from all wards in eThekwini.

In June 2015, the Municipality will launch the Mayoral Student Financial Relief Fund which will offer bursaries to learners who come from disadvantaged backgrounds to ensure access to education.

The Municipality recognises the need to fully capacitate this office so that it can focus on streamlining all youth related programmes such as formalising structures that will ensure effective engagement with young people. This year we will also be celebrating youth month with a focus on youth development and entrepreneurship.

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